My Work, Philosophy, and Family
I have a reputation for being a research junkie and in my house, that means tiptoeing around boxes (my style of file cabinets) in my office, stacks of “very important” papers, and teetering towers of reference books that don’t fit into my floor-to-ceiling bookcases. Despite my predilection for research, I have managed to publish 30 nonfiction books, and many others are still waiting to find that perfect home.  

Sometimes, I like to head to the open space near my house with my "writing buddies," Oreo and Penny (a miniature poodle mix and a miniature golden doodle), a pair of binoculars or my camera. While hiking, I like to think about my books. Many of my ideas come together after one of these "explores."

These ideas have led me further afield to national parks, monuments, and wildlife refuges. I’ve been to libraries across the country, to museums and historical sites to examine vintage hand-written letters (imagine that in this digital age!), journals, articles, and archival images.  Every box, every file, every piece of yellowed paper says “read me – read me” and of course, that’s what I love to do!  Mining for nuggets of information in a library or at home is often more fun than writing the actual book.

​My story is that I grew up in La Jolla, California, where I picnicked and camped in the nearby mountains and deserts, and spent endless hours at the beach, enjoying what is still my favorite sport: body surfing in the chilly Pacific Ocean.  I was a Girl Scout, a bicyclist and a tennis player, studied French, belonged to the American Field Service, raised roses, loved my Cocker Spaniel, Mike, lugged home bags of library books every week, and read late into the night under my bed with a flashlight.  And yes, I’ve been wearing glasses since the fourth grade!

I received a degree from the University of California at Davis in English Literature and American History and Literature.

My husband, Bill, and I live in Northern California.  We like to travel for research and exploration.  Wherever I am, all I need is paper, pencil, and internet service, to give me the tools and freedom to write.
My family is an integral part of who I am. My husband and I have two grown sons. Mark lives in Truckee, California with his wife, Stacy. Our granddaughter, Zoe, is in high school and grandson Justin is in his fourth season on Nevada's Silver State hotshot crew fighting wildfires primarily in the Great Basin area. Grandson Collin has worked in construction and is now heading to a welding junior college program. Mark is a Battalion Chief at the Truckee Fire Department. Our younger son Dan lives with his partner, Tyler, in New York City. Dan works for S&P Global; Tyler is with the restaurant, Eleven Madison Park. 

My father, Hal G. Evarts, made his living writing westerns, plus adventure novels for young adults. My mother, Dorothea, was an artist and teacher.

Hal G. Evarts, Sr., my paternal grandfather wrote popular western and adventure novels in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as stories for the Saturday Evening Post and other magazines.  My other grandfather, Clinton Gilbert Abbott, was an ornithologist and the director of the San Diego Natural History Museum in California.

I have two brothers and both of them live in California. Bill is a professional photographer and writer with a particular interest in Baja California. John and his wife, Margie Popper, founded Cachuma Press a publishing company that produced award-winning natural history and gardening books. Although John and Margie have now retired from the publishing business and closed Cachuma Press, their books are still in demand.

After a morning or day of writing, I find time to tend my small garden and collection of potted plants. I grow succulents and a variety of species native to California. 

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, I was involved in therapy dog programs at our local library and at Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation.  Oreo and Penny are trained therapy dogs. Oreo had kids read to him at various public libraries and schools in my county in what are called "Paws to Read" sessions. These programs help children improve their reading skills while they learn about dogs. Working with emerging readers is an awesome extension of being a writer.  Oreo and I also used to visit Alzheimer patients, schools, our local Juvenile Hall, and participate in other outreach events in our area. We are hoping to get back to those activities when the pandemic subsides.

I love to read, go to concerts and plays, and visit the many and varied museums in the San Francisco Bay Area (whenever possible).  Walking somewhere everyday is another one of my passions.

"Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest." Lady Bird Johnson 

My father visiting a school in the San Diego, California area to talk with students about his books.
I have visited Yosemite National Park dozens of times. It is one of my favorite places in the world.
With my dogs on Read Across America Day. Oreo, on the right, is a miniature poodle mix. Penny is a miniature golden doodle.
The typical mess when I'm researching a subject.